My biggest question is this: why are we waiting until July, 2011, to give up and come home? Why not give up today, right now? It would save countless lives, billions of dollars, and will accomplish exactly the same thing - absolutely nothing.
We have spent over 9 years now, chasing an insanely impossible dream to rid the world of Islamic extremists. Setting a time limit ensures that the idiots who originally pretended this cause was important enough to throw away young American lives on will be the only ones to make themselves believe that their goal was met.
The day after we leave, the Taliban will return, the puppet Afghan government will crumble, and it will be as if none of this had ever happened. As if we have any right to dictate to any country as to how they should conduct their business in the first place.
Anyone who doubts this is a fool, perhaps an even bigger fool than the idiot Bush, who put us in this mess to begin with. Assume we do finally catch Bin Laden (if that was indeed the real reason behind the invasion). Who really thinks that Al-Qaeda or the Taliban will just quit and go home? There will never be an end to the radical Islamic extremists, who live for a single purpose: the enforcement of shari'a (strict Islamic) law and bring death to all who oppose.
It has been especially sickening to realize the useless waste of lives and resources while being subjected to the populist rhetoric about establishing justice and democracy in Afghanistan, as spewed forth by both parties. Of course, most Democrats saw the presumed righteousness of this conflict only after Obama adopted it in 2009 as the "Good War", the "Bad War" being Bush's illegal invasion of Iraq, but now we're splitting hairs. And we are still fighting both.
So we now have a new General to continue our rousing success in Afghanistan. When the July 2011 deadline comes, will we have succeeded? How do we even measure the success of our mission? I believe it was our Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates, who claimed that one measure of success in Afghanistan would be when a functional government was established that the people could trust. I could not help but think that, although this is a noble cause, shouldn't we really establish something like that here, in our own country, first?